
Corrugated HDPE pipes

CORRUGATED HDPE PIPESHDPE pipes, corrugated outside and smooth inside, are presented as the best option to define a final solution to the collection and drainage projects, where working conditions are…

Fibreglass Pipes (GRP)

FIBREGLASS PIPES (GRP)SARPLAST products are manufactured with polyester or vinylester resins and the highest quality fiberglass. The pipes are manufactured using the helical winding method called ‘Dual Helix Discontinuous Filament…

Corrugated Metal Pipes

CORRUGATED METAL PIPESThe corrugated metal pipes represent an economical and easy installation alternative for gravity drainage applications. They can be used in road crossings, urban drainage, among others.SOLUTIONSRoad DrainageADVANTAGESEase of…


HYDROSEEDINGRevegetation system using water, binder and different seeds (based on the project location) for soil loss control.SOLUTIONSRevegetation systemsADVANTAGESThe vegetation is established faster than any other method.Variety of seeds and fertilizers.The…

Polyethylene Geomembranes (HDPE-LLDPE)

POLYETHYLENE GEOMEMBRANES (HDPE-LLDPE)Geosynthetics with very low permeability used for containing liquid or solid waste. Among the polymers that serve as raw materials for producing geomembranes, both high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and…


GEOTEXTILESPlanar permeable geosynthetics used in contact with soils to perform functions such as separation, filtration, drainage and reinforcement. The geotextiles’ design focuses on determining the role they will play in…


GEOGRIDSGeosynthetics consisting of a set of connected ribs and openings that allow the interlocking of the soil. Their main function is the internal reinforcement, soil improvement and subgrade stabilization. Geogrids…


GEOCELLSThe geocells are three-dimensional structures that allow confining granular materials and soils. They are sheets of high-density polyethylene, welded by ultrasound, with the aim to improve the foundation of a…


GCLThe geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) consists of a compound of two geotextiles confining a clay bentonite core. It works as a hydraulic barrier, acting as a secondary waterproofing system for…

Drainage Geocomposite

DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITEThe drainage geocomposite consists of two basic elements: the draining, which leads infiltration/percolation waters; and the filter, which prevents the entrainment of soil particles into the draining element, causing…

Asphalt Blankets

ASPHALT BLANKETSThe waterproofing membrane formed by an internal structure of polyester nonwoven geotextile, impregnated with polymer-modified asphalts. Ideal for application in rural areas, given its ease of installation.SOLUTIONSWater reservoirsChannelsOrnamental ponds…


GABIONSGabion structures are constituted by metal elements made of double twisted hexagonal mesh, filled with stones. They are used very successfully in the construction of containment structures, coastal defenses and…