Wire mesh
WIRE MESHThe meshes are made of high strength steel wire, which guarantees the lowest ratio between weight and strength to achieve high efficiency. Thanks to this, our systems integrate perfectly…
Sierra Walls
SIERRA WALLSThe SIERRA® slope containment system is a mechanically stabilized and fully integrated complete ground system. This ensures a combination of performance, economy and aesthetics not found in other earth…
Mesa Walls
MESA WALLSThe MESA® systems are walls of soil reinforced with highly-torsion resistant HDPE geogrids, allowing to prepare containment structures able to withstand the thrusts and external stresses optimally. These structures…
Ares Walls
ARES WALLSThe ARES® systems are walls of soil reinforced with highly-torsion resistant HDPE geogrids, allowing to install containment structures able to withstand the thrusts and external stresses optimally. These structures…
TPO Membrane
TPO MEMBRANEIt is a waterproofing membrane composed of thermoplastic polyolefins and polyester meshes as central reinforcement. It is a versatile and complete system that fits any area and distribution.SOLUTIONSBuildingsADVANTAGESHigh durabilityResistance…
Thermoplastic Paint
THERMOPLASTIC PAINTTermoplastic is a durable pavement demarcation system. Thermoplastic compounds for pavement demarcation have been widely used in the industry of road signs from the 1950s. The wide range of…
Noise Barriers
NOISE BARRIERSNoise attenuation barriers through reflection or absorption with sheets and/or panels of different thicknesses, colors and materials (metacrylic, polycarbonate, aluminum, wood, etc.).SOLUTIONSAcoustic protection and noise reductionADVANTAGESReduce the noise to…
Metal Fences
METAL FENCESCustom steel bars that combine aesthetics, functionality, safety and resistance.SOLUTIONSMetal Fence ConfinementADVANTAGESThey allow defining spaces and areas where it is required to restrict access.Thanks to their strength and firmness,…
Certified Metal Barriers
CERTIFIED METAL BARRIERSThey are safety barriers certified in accordance with Directive No. 007-2008-MTC/02 and have passed impact tests according to the regulatory requirements established by the NCHRP Report 350 of…
Impact Attenuators
IMPACT ATTENUATORSSystems designed to absorb energy during the impact and are certified in accordance with Directive No. 007-2008-MTC/02 and have passed impact tests according to the regulatory requirements established by…
Horizontal and vertical signaling
HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SIGNALINGHorizontal signaling involves the production, supply and installation of preventive, regulatory, informational, safety signs, support posts for signs, signal gantries support, kilometer markers, rigid flexible delineator posts,…
Glass-lined steel panels
GLASS-LINED STEEL PANELSThese are panels made of steel and coated with glaze enamel on both sides, which creates a virtually indestructible vitreous liner. The panels have aesthetic features and are…